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There are a lot of churches in Hawaii around Honolulu. A visitor has you choose most churches in Oahu as a ceremonial hall. Of course please talk with the church which this list does not have willingly.

Central Union church (Sanctuary)
Central Union church
セントラル・ユニオン(大聖堂) The church where a spire rising to the blue sky highly is impressive.
Virgin road:35m(White)
  セントラル・ユニオン(中聖堂) A refined, neat and clean image.
Virgin road:20m(White)

St Andrew's Cathedral
St Andrew's Parke Chapel
カワイアハオ教会 A kawaiaha'o church is the Oahu oldest church of the foundation for 1842 years.
Virgin road:24m(Red)
  モアナルアコミュニティー教会 The venerable church which took appointment as the landmark architecture. The stained glass of the wall surface is beautiful.
Virgin road:15m(White)

Holy Nativity Church
First United Methodist Church
ホーリーナティビティ教会 A church in a quiet residential area. Gentle light comes in through the stained glass of altar right and left.
Virgin road:30m(Red)
  First United Methodist Church The pipe organ of the beautiful investigation and an expensive ceiling are characteristic churches.
Virgin road:27m(Red)


First Christian Church
First United Methodist Church It is the foundation, a church with the history for 1892 years.
Virgin road:15m(Beige)


Calvary by the Sea Church
The Kahala Ocean Wedding
Calvary by the sea church It is the church which faced the popular high sea in Oahu.
Virgin road:17m(Beige)

  カハラ・バイ・ザ・シー The pretty chapel of a lot of feeling of opening that there is in the site of the the Kahara Hotel & resort.
Virgin road:5m(White)

Princess Lagoon Chapel
プリンセスラグーン・オン・ザ・シー Snow-white cute chapel. It is a white church floating in the sea.
Virgin road:White



Nuuanu Congregational Church
Waioli Church
ヌアヌ・コングリゲーショナル A church in the quiet place where there was the villa of Hawaii royal families.
Virgin road:25m(Red)

  ワイオリ A small church in the forest in the foot of the hill of the Tantaras。
Virgin road:10m(Red)

Unity Church
Anela Garden Chapel
ユニティー A church among the green in the foot of the diamond head.
Virgin road:15m(White)

  グロリアガーデン・チャペル   It is the wedding ground that is the at home of the new style that a clubhouse is added to.
Virgin road:15m(Red)

Premarie Church

プリマリエ It is the church of the warm impression why does not need the hesitation.
Virgin road:14m(Orange)



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